Jun 26 2011
Last update:


ASKA - 17 (One-Seven) [2011]





The "One Seven" is designed to assist you both in the pursuit of the business speedflying in your future developments. This is an easy sail, with a large control travel, a very good damping, a tire with immediate rapid response of the pilot taking off, and a good capacity resource that facilitates asked.

For versatility, it allows us to offer a wing used both in the strong wind as thermal conditions. Excellent compromise finesse / security, open access to prolonged periods in conditions where caution would be to allow a conventional paraglider in his bag.

It comes with a carrying bag, an inner bag and manual.

Price: € 1650

Available mid July

Weight range and level:

Here below a table showing the minimum level recommended for the use of the sail. Please note that the term means that the novice driver is in learning with a school or the pilot makes few flights a year. If you are a beginner in hard-speed flying, it is necessary to go through a school before acquiring a mini veil. If you have any doubts about your level, please inquire by a school or a competent person.


Pilot skill Level:

<80kg - Beginner
80 to 100 kg - Beginner to Intermediate
> 100 kg - Intermediate +

Flight Speed:

The aska seventeen, was measured for a PTV of 95 kg at the following speeds:

Measuring up arms - trims to neutral: Sink rate: 1.8m / s at a speed of 46 km/h and a glide of 7.1
Measuring up arms - fully trimmed: Sink rate: 2.7m / s at a speed of 53 km / h and a glide of 5.4



The materials were chosen to combine lightness and flying qualities maintaining greater strength imaginable construction meet specific requirements to practice. The "One Seven" of ASKA is designed to be a resistance to any test on the most inhospitable takeoffs

Ribs and diagonal ribs: Dominico hard finish 42gr / m²
Extrados, intrados: Dominico 42gr / m²

High: 100% dyneema Cousin, 1.6mm, mini tensile strength: 340daN
Low: 100% dyneema Cousin, 1.9mm, mini tensile strength: 500daN






Manufacture: ASKA-Sports


 Technical Data

Model One-Seven
Area (Flat/Projected) 17m²/?m²
Wing Span (Flat/Projected) ?m/?m
Chord (max/min) ?m/?m
Aspect Ratio (Flat/Projected) 4.7/?
No. of Cells 30
Wing Material ?
Weight (kg) 3,7Kg
Glide Ratio 7,2:1
Trim Speed ~ Top Speed ?km/h ~ ?km/h
Recommended Fly weight (kg) Expert


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