Mar 17 2014
Last update:








The erdgeschoss p1 was originally planned as a prototype of an ultralite wing. The unreachable goal was to build a footlaunchable wing weighting less than 1 kg.

Erdgeschoss E1

our first homesewn glider - Erdgeschoss e1, due to its behavior also called Pfusch P1

Erdgeschoss E2 - The second Prototype

The motivation to construct the second speedriding prototype was to receive a "montant-style" glider. this means a high percentage of riding combined with huge dive but also a poor glide angle - really poor! the E2 was planed as a race-machine - minimal aspect ratio, only 8sqm and for safety - only 15cells, like its predecessor
one of the main points was to eliminate the mistakes we made with the E1. This resulted in a much higher ballooning and a thinner profile due to the low cell number.
Erdgeschoss E3
E3 was a simple design study.

Erdgeschoss E4
The E4 is the newest glider, which also performs very good barrel rolls - pilpit style.. the main goal of this one was to achieve a bigger glide range and to get rid of some mistakes made with e2... this resulted in a different canopy shape and modified skin tension. Also changed was the trailing edge back to curved.

E1: Gelvenor LCN66 45g/m²
E2,E4: Carrington 44g/m² as used on the nova sphynx
linings: liros LTC160 technorra(gallery), dyneema 400kg - main lines

Designed with wingdesignsoftware

Designed by: Lorenz Lechner, Simon Klemenc
  support by Moritz Lechner and thanks to NOVA-wings





 Technical Data


Model E1 E2 E3 E4
Area (Flat/Projected) 9,02m²/8,03m² 8m²/6,88m² 7,86m²/6,76m² 8m²/7,03m²
Wing Span (Flat/Projected) 5,44m/4,64m 4,48m/3,73m 4,48m/3,74m 4,58m/3,91m
Chord (max/min) ?m/?m ?m/?m ?m/?m ?m/?m
Aspect Ratio (Flat/Projected) 3,28/2,70 2,51/2,02 2,55/2,06 2,63/2,18
No. of Cells 15 15 15 15
Wing Material ?
Weight ?kg ?kg ?kg ?kg
Glide Ratio 2,5:1 2,5:1 2,5:1 2,5:1
Trim Speed/Top Speed ?km/h/?km/h ?km/h/?km/h ?km/h/?km/h ?km/h/?km/h
Recommended Fly weight (kg) ?Kg ?Kg ?Kg ?Kg



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