Jun 26 2011
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USA SpeedFlying Instruction Guide


Required witnessed Tasks for each Pilot Rating


1. Attend and completes "basic" ground school.
2. Layout and preflight canopy and harness.
3. Demonstrate ability to properly connect to canopy with cleared lines and risers before inflation.
4. Demonstrate canopy handling skills sufficient to launch from training hill with control.
5. Ability to launch unassisted with an aggressive inflation and run, directional control and smooth transition from running to flying avoiding stall or near stall position
6. 5 predetermined flights to show directional control, control input awareness, smooth straight flight and a smooth, safe stand up landing into the wind within 100ft of target
7. Ability to recognize and understand how wind conditions such as wind direction, wind velocity, terrain shape and obstructions will affect their launch and flight.
8. Demonstrate proper post landing procedures such as canopy deflation, immobilization, removal from landing area and disconnection from canopy with cleared lines and risers.
9. Must pass SF-1 "Basic" written exam.

Recommended Operating Limitations for SF-1 BASIC PILOTS

1. Slope angle not to exceed 45°
2. Fly in winds not to exceeding 12 mph
3. Fly sites for appropriate skill level
4. Fly recommended canopy suitable for beginner pilots
5. Fly under direct supervision of SF Certified Instructor


1. Attend and complete the "intermediate" ground school.
2. Pilot has logged a minimum of 90 flights from level 1 or 2 launch points (see launch point chart).
3. Must have logged a minimum of 10 flying days.
4. Demonstrate unassisted layout and preflight of canopy and harness with ability to connect with cleared lines and risers before inflation.
5. Must give reliable analysis of general conditions of the site and flight plan including flight path, areas to avoid in relation to wind flow, and obstacles to stay clear of.
6. Demonstrate 5 consecutive unassisted forward inflations with visual check of canopy each time.
7. Demonstrate 5 consecutive unassisted reverse inflations with control.
8. Demonstrate controlled kiting in both the forward and reverse positions for a minimum of two minutes each.
9. Demonstrates 5 consecutive successful, aggressive, confident no wind inflations and launches with smooth transitions from running to flying. Flights with slow, unstable inflations/launches will not be considered adequate for witnessed tasks.
10. Demonstrate 5 consecutive successful, aggressive, confident inflations/launches in winds not to exceed 12 mph. Flights with unstable inflations/launches will not be considered adequate for witness tasks.
11. Demonstrate smooth flight with deliberate, controlled turns not to exceed 90 degrees with control of Pendulum action.
12. Demonstrate smooth flight along a planned flight path with smooth, controlled turns not to exceed 90 degrees with heading control and ending in a safe, standup landing into the wind.
13. Explains the right of way traffic rules.
14. Demonstrate the ability to judge and allow for proper clearance from ridge and other pilots.
15. Demonstrate how to brief and instruct a ground crew and explain when an assisted launch is necessary.
16. Demonstrate 5 high wind inflations/launches with control, in winds not to exceed 15 mph. Flights with unstable inflations/launches will not be considered adequate for witnessed tasks.
17. Demonstrate 10 landings within 50 feet of target, standup and into the wind.
18. Must pass SF-2 "Intermediate" written Exam.

Recommended Operating Limitations for SF-2 Intermediate Pilots

1. Slope angle not to exceed 50°
2. Fly in winds not to exceed 15 mph.
3. Avoid steep turns close to the ground.
4. Turns are not to exceed 90 degrees.
5. Avoid stall or near stall control positions.
6. Fly sites for appropriate skill level. Launch points not to exceed level 2.
7. Fly recommended canopy suitable for skill level.
8. Fly under direct supervision of SF certified instructor.


1. Attend and complete the "advanced" ground school.
2. Must have held an Intermediate rating for at least 6 months.
3. Must have logged 100 flights from level two launch points or above (see launch point chart).
4. Must have logged a minimum of 60 flying days.
5. Must have made a minimum of 3 flights from level two or higher launch points, 2 flights from level 2 or higher launch points and 1 flight from a level 5 or higher launch point under the supervision of SF certified instructor.
6. Must have flown a minimum of 5 different canopies sizes & types.
7. Demonstrate the ability to successfully launch unassisted at least three times in winds of at least 16 mph but not to exceed 18 mph.
8. Demonstrate the ability to successfully launch unassisted three times on level two or higher launch points with slope angles greater than 45 degrees.
9. Demonstrate the ability to launch with rear risers in winds five mph or greater.
10. Demonstrate the ability to navigate by terrain association and perform a successful route selection.
11. Demonstrate the ability to navigate a series of vertical markers (gates) successfully.
12. Demonstrate 10 landings within 25 feet of target, standup and into the wind.
13. Must convince the instructor that he can fly advanced rated sites without endangering spectators, other pilots or jeopardize the site.
14. Must pass SF-3 "advanced" written Exam.

Recommended Operating Limitations for SF-3 Advanced Pilots

1. Fly in winds not to exceed 18 mph
2. Fly canopy appropriate for skill level

Launch Point Levels

Level 1 - < 500ft with a slope angle <= 45°
Level 2 - 500-1,000ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 3 - 1,000-1,500ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 4 - 1,500-2,000ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 5 - 2,000-2,500ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 6 - 2,500-3,000ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 7 - 3,000-3,500ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 8 - 3,500-4,000ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 9 - 4,000-4,500ft with a slope angle < 45°
Level 10 - 4,500-5,000ft greater with a slope angle < 45°

*If slope angle is greater than 45° the level increases by one.

Wind Chart

Calm winds = less than 7 mph
Moderate winds = 7-12 mph
High winds = greater than 12 mph

For futher details contact Jim Slaton @ http://www.canopypilotingschool.com

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