Sites in Czech Republic or Austria?

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Sites in Czech Republic or Austria?

 Submitted by jsonkiss


Hi, I'm new here. I wonder if anyone knows of resorts in Czech or Austria that allow or tolerate speed flying. I'll be visiting Czech the first week of January, and since it will be a short trip I won't be able to stray too far from Prague.

I'm a P3 but I have only about 50 short foot-launched speed flights and two short flights on skis. I'm not looking for anything hardcore--something with fairly open terrain and a large LZ would be ideal. I've looked around this forum and on, but the links and other information I've found aren't too helpful for these particular countries. Can anyone provide information about a place where they've actually been? Thanks!


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bill (not verified)

Looking for sites in czech repablic too.

bill (not verified)

Looking for too sites in czechrep.