speed flying in New Zealand

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speed flying in New Zealand

Submitted by steveyak1


I will be traveling to NZ from feb 16th to march 5th. I would like to do some foot launching while there, I'll be flying 12m skate. Any help with locations or access would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone is looking for a flying friend that would be great. I will also be doiung some skydiving while visiting. thanks for any advice.
Steve Yak

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Submitted by steveyak1


Thanks for the info guys, it is greatly appreciated.



Submitted by Sagar


Thanks for the nice information..



Submitted by mt7wildcard


The guys over at the Nzone dropzone in Queenstown have been pretty active at ground launching their canopies when it's too windy to work. They've been going from a shoulder of the Remarkables. But there are some pretty crazy looking valleys to fly on the whole range up higher.




Submitted by Anonymous


Hi Steve

Wanaka is the place to be. Treble Cone is probably one of the best groundlaunching sites around with excellent flyable terrain. Mal Haskins of speedfly8000 is the man to talk to.

