glider for beginner

what glider would you advise to use for a beginner?thanks

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RE: glider for beginner

Size of glider to use depends on your weight a good guide is 65 - 85kg 13m² over 85kg 14 or 15m² and is suggested weight guide used by most speed glider manufacturers. To big and the glider will feel slow and you have less contact with the snow. Sizes you dont want when beginning - nothing smaller than 12m² so not 8,9,10,11m and only 12m if you weigh less than 65kg. Your actual flying weight will be another 10 or more Kgs than you body weight when adding Skis, Boots, harness and clothes etc... the extra weight will make a big difference if you have the wrong size glider. Which Glider.... there are a few to choose from and some not to choose. check out - the Wing guide - click Products on the top menu. Suitable ======== Gin - Nano Niviuk - Skate Swing Paragliders - Savage Ozone - Bullet 008 Bio-Air Rocket R'Speed Concept - Basic MacPara - Whistler Paratech - P180 SpeedFlyer ITV - PilPit Aeros - Berkut Not suitable ============ Gin - Bobcat Nervures - Swoop Bio-Air - BoozZ Ozone - LaBombe Ozone - Bullet GT Aeros - AiRider Swing - Ravage Others listed on the wing guide may be suitable but are more suited to a more experienced flyer JN Hellracer Bio-Air - Skim Wings-of-Change - SpeedyGonzales Aeros - Ballistic Independence - Carver