Speedflying with paramotor

I own a Gin Bobcat 16.5m and have only used it for strong wind soaring. I also have a tandem capable motor which pushes lots of thrust, thinking of using the two together.

Has anybody tried the Bobcat with a paramotor? What type of wing loading is best for speedflying with a paramotor?

What kind of advice could you offer me. I realize that the takeoff will be fast but what about the landing? Would you recommend a power on landing or a power off landing?


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Bobcat paramotor video

re: Speedflying with paramotor

Dont know anyone flying with Paramotor except for Gordie Oliver

Maybe worth trying to contact him and asking a few questions ?

If you haven't alrady seen it, check out his Paramotor Bobcat flight on YouTube.
