The Speedriding Schools web page is now available...
See Guidelines Section.
Still have more schools to be added to the list.
If you know of any which are not listed or have details of errors etc. please added them below so the list can be kept up to date.
Hi Aaron
Yes there are a few good schools/dealers in USA
See and scroll down to USA section.
There have been lots of posts here and on other forums with many recommendations.
Don't believe I have every read a totally negative review. It often depend what you are looking for and the location fits what you are trying to achieve. There is no fixed set syllabus to follow and many schools tailor the course to the individuals needs, ability and experience.
One or two I have heard may not be too happy instructing complete beginners but with paragliding/skydive experience then you should have no problems.
Best to contact the school/instructor and discuss options available.
Are there any good speedriding outffiters/schools in the USA? recomendations please.
Une toute nouvelle école de speed riding et de parapente a Prapoutel le 7 laux (proche de grenoble et chambery).
les moniteurs et monitrices (et oui et oui! )vous attendent pour vous faire découvrir les meilleurs runs de la station Freeride iséroise mais aussi dans toutes les Alpes en fonction de vos désirs.
see you soon
The only speedriding school in the 3 valleys has just opened. One of the few with an instructor qualified both in skiing and speedriding/paragliding. Add to that the most recent equipment and you will find yourself learning in a very safe environment. Here is the link
Hi Kitesurfa
I agree, would be a nightmare to keep up to date info. I am personally pursuing the Ski'M 15 (tho' I don't 'sweat much' for a fat lad), have contacted Dan Sidoli and Olivier at Bio Air Technologies. Have been looking at all the different rigs available so far and they all seem to possess differing characteristics (albeit slight). Some I have looked at are definitely high performance skydiving canopy 'lookalikes' (can I say that without offending anyone OR the manufacturers ??); as a result I am sure they 'swoop' really well, but for a newbie with neither a PG/skydiving background...if it were me, I'd want something that was easy to fly, stable, versatile so that the rig is still 'fun/challenging' as I gain experience (look at all the DHV 1's you see for sale). My background is ex-skydiver, but I ski and board and kite too. Just my two penneth (cents for our cousins across the water). Hypothetically, if I were a good skier, with no 'air awareness' but wanted to pursue SF/SR and I signed up to a school where I was harnessed up to something with the the advanced handling capabilities of a PD Stiletto...I'd prob pooh my pants and not complete the training (even if it was a big 160)....then again, I guess if you've got nothing to compare it too....
Would it be useful ?
Maybe of help for a few, but in my opinion Speed-Riding instruction is about learning to handle the wing and how to fly safely with skis etc.... Once you have the skills you should be able to fly any wing after a short time ground handling/kiting and getting the feel of the wing. ?
What is everyone's thoughts about this ?
Biggest problem would be keeping the information up to date - it would be a nightmare.
But to help - Some of the school websites have photos posteed so you can see what wings they use, also a few school have been posting videos on YouTube of students having lessons.
Guess the best method would be just contact the school and ask.
What rig are you looking to learn with ?
As all the speed Flying/Riding rigs I have looked at are inherently different, would it be useful to list which schools use which rigs for tuition? That way a prospective 'Swoop or Ski'M' et al etc purchaser could get training on the rig which they intend to buy...
The list has been updated again with more French SpeedRiding Schools
If anyone hase details of SpeedRiding schools or instructors able to teach in other Countries listed or not listed PLEASE post and let us know.
Some corrections relating to France:
Nick Toussaint is based in the Dolomites in Italy, not France.
Flyeo,, are a speed riding school in Annecy, France.
Ataka's new website is
Some missing websites:
Pegase Particule
CEP Mont Blanc
And Switzerland:
FlyTime is based in Verbier.
Hope this helps,
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