Swing Savage is ready to buy :)

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Swing Savage is ready to buy :)

Submitted by DKman on November 21, 2007 - 5:20pm.

Swing Savage is finished. Sizes are 10, 12, 13...
more at http://www.swing.de

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savage technical data
Submitted by DKman on December 5, 2007 - 9:57am.

get the Flyer: 2mb

Summary of technical data:

Glider: Savage 12
Cells: 17 [-]
Flat surface area: 11.500 [m2]
Flat span: 6.0251 [m]
Flat aspect ratio: 3.1600 [-]

Projected surface area: 10.114 [m2]
Projected span: 4.9577 [m]
Projected aspect ratio: 2.4566 [-]