Whats the fastest advanced\expert wing?

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Whats the fastest advanced\expert wing?

Submitted by Swoopn


I am looking at getting another wing that has a better glide ratio. I currently have a GLX-120 (~11m^2, with skis and gear loaded 2.0 lbs/sqft) as my primary wing and have been speed flying for over 7 years. I am looking for something with a better glide ratio that is just as fast or faster (air speed). Does anyone know of a fully cross-braced speed wing utilizing a paraglider platform?

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Submitted by Swoopn


Thanks, that is what If figured but I am shocked that the 7m is faster than your velo, I assume you ment Velo 69. What conditions did you make the comparison? I have only flown my JVX-77 in pretty high winds {30-35mph) and am not a big fan of high wind flights.



Submitted by Anonymous

Hy Greg,

try a swing spitfire. Depending on your skills
and weight, take a 9 or an 11. Both of them reach glide ratio 4 or even a bit more. If you get super confident with
it, you can even downsize to a 8 or 7 m spitfire. I even have a spitfire 6, which is probably the fastest glider on earth...The Spitfire is not crossbraced, to safe glider weight. I have compared the 7m to a 70ft velocity, the spitfire is faster...

Stay safe!
