Where to go?

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Where to go?

Submitted by pickadolla



Any recommendations on nice speedriding places to go in the Alps?
I´ve flown a few places in the Arlberg region in Austria (before it got banned) and in Engelberg Switzerland but are looking to go some were new the first week in February.
I´m an expirenced pilot.

Any suggestions?

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Submitted by pickadolla


Contact Simon at FCA (fca.at) and he would have the exact details. I´m not sure about this year, but last year it was only possible to fly in Lech over at "palmenalp". I got busted flying in St Anton. They told me "this is nooot alowed on our mountain"!

It´s a great mountain for speedriding so i hope they would alow it.



Submitted by Anonymous

Where exactly it is banned at arlberg? I was flying in Zürs this year, everything was fine...

the lift staff only said that I should not cross the slopes if I wear skis...