wing designs

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wing designs

Submitted by magic k2


Been looking at different wing designs but you cant get much detail from the spec sheets,,can one of you guys tell me the size of the gin nano 14 ,i know its 14msq but what is the width of the wing when flat on the floor and the center size front to back ? also the length of the center line and is there a line length difference from front to back on the center lines? any info would be very helpfull.

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Difficult to measure

Front lines are shorter compared to the rears, due to position of the suspension point (pilot isn't under the wing in a central point as with a circular parachute but just back from the Leading Edgde of the glider) and the wing profile (glider isn't flat)

Neutral position of the the wing is normally set for best glide, angle of attack is adjusted with the trims on the risers.



Submitted by magic k2


Ha ha,im a ****, didnt know what cord was lol,,the only other thing i would like to know is if the line length at the center was slightly shorter than the rear for angle of attack or are they the same ?

Been looking at different wing designs but you cant get much detail from the spec sheets,,

Did you check our wing guide section on the main website ?

can one of you guys tell me the size of the gin nano 14

Wing Span is 7,26m flat
Center Cord is 2.25m