Speedflying in Arizona

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Speedflying in Arizona

Submitted by ram_air_man


I will be spending Xmas and the new year around the Phoenix area. I will be paragliding and would also like to do some speedflying. Are their any local speedflyers around Phoenix that would be interested in doing some hike and fly??

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Submitted by Swoopn


You need to have a min. A-licence to jump there, not sure about gear rental but square 2 might be an option



Submitted by ram_air_man


Thanks, I was planning on stopping by Skydive Arizona and doing a few jumps as well... not sure how that will go since I am a student skydiver in Canada and would need to rent equipment... keeping my fingers crossed!!



Submitted by Swoopn


The crew from Skydive Arizona would be good place to start, there some world class pilots there.