Submitted by magic k2
Hi guys,,would just like to pick your brains,,im going to get a speedwing in the future and am really confused as to the best one,,i know it would depend on weight, type of hill and skill but the must be a leader in design buy now as they have been around for a while now,i like the look of the Hellracer design with the zip as it looks versitile but what about the bobcat or swoop? i think this is the sport i have been looking for since i stopped racing motocross and supercross,,,done a couple of static parachute jumps and i loved it but was a long way to travel just to get 3 jumps in one day as your in a wait for the plane,,,,got a hang glider and only flown it a couple of times as its not an easy thing to do without friends that fly,,very cool tool though,,,i have just got myself a paraglider to play about with to get the feel of a canopy on the hills but i dont want to pg its just to use as a stepping stone for speedwing ,im not in a rush to crashing down a mountain and have my whole future to enjoy it,,having said all that what is the best wing,most resistant to collaps and versitle for different conditions or different slopes,,or is it just not possible to answere? dont want the fastest,or the most extreme just the safest and most versitile,,,oh ye,i live in south wales and am 12 and a half stone.