Gin Bobcat for Speed Riding ? Yay or Nay!

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Gin Bobcat for Speed Riding ? Yay or Nay!

Submitted by Jayrech


Hey every one!
I'm looking at getting into speedflying/riding. I live in Jasper Alberta Canada and I was wondering if a bobcat 16m over a 250pnd ish guy would be alright for speedriding? I am a current skydiver with about 200 skydives and I am looking at getting into a sport in which I can keep current in year round. ( a little cheaper as well). Also if there is any one around that's willing to be a mentor I'm keen to learn! Thanks alot!

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Submitted by Jayrech


Hey Guys!
Thanks alot for all the input and when I get my self all sorted I will be contacting some of you for sure! thanks again!!



Submitted by Swoopn


Opps, I didn't read your message close enough. If you make your way to Van drop me a line



Submitted by ram_air_man


Jay, I used to own a 16.5m Bobcat and ended up getting rid of it. When I was flying the Bobcat I weighed 250lbs plus equipment. You will have a steep glide.... you will also be able to foot launch it as well!

Like the previous poster said, it all depends on your terrain. Many sites in the rockies you need at least a 4:1 glide just to make the LZ...

I live in Stony Plain, I would be willing to help you out, drop me an email:





Submitted by Swoopn


Where are you located?


Submitted by Anonymous


Yes - a 16.5 should work well for you.

Depends on your terrain....



Submitted by Anonymous

Hello Jay,

Although I am not very familiar with the Gin I believe it would work fine for you.

Generally I've found that it is best to size your wing according to the terrain you will be riding.

I have a 15 m that I can easily foot launch in summer and works OK for riding in the winter. But we don't have excessively steep terrain here.

Send me an email if you want to discuss further.

Scott Watwood
Golden, B.C.