If you havent already seen - You now have the ability to include videos in your posts on the forum.
How to post videos guide...
Step 1:
Copy the URL to the video you would like to post
Videos can be from - YouTube & Vimeo - Select either the Share Video link - or copy the URL from the Address bar as seen in figure below.
Step 2:
Create a new post or reply to an existing thread on the forum
The Post message box should have the Video Filter Icon visible in the Toolbar
Step 3:
To add a video click on the icon
Step 4:
The Video filter window should now be displayed.
Step 5:
Paste the Video Link in the Video URL: text box.
Step 6:
Click Insert button to add video
Step 7:
Text displayed for video link should be like example below
Step 8:
Click Save button - or Preview before you post.
Your linked video should now display....