Posting For Sale Adverts - FAQ

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Posting For Sale Adverts - FAQ

Q: Why didn't my post/message display on the forum... ?

A: Our forum uses an "Approval Queue" meaning ALL posts and messages from non registered members/users of the forum or registered members who HAVE NOT  log in, their posts/replies/messages are first queued for approval before they are published on the forum.

If you have an account and have logged in - posts/messages/replies should display straight away.


Q: Can I include photo & video links ?

A: Yes,


Q: My Video link didn't work.

A: Edit your original post and use the video filter option on the Reply toolbar.
A: Reply to your original message and use the Video Filter option found on the Reply toolbar. - Click toolbar icon and paste video link. (Note: Vimeo may need www. added before

Q: My videolink still didn't work...

A: If your video still didn't display please Contact (if we haven't already spotted the error and got the video to display within a few days)


Q: Why was my post edited by Admin

A: Posts may be edited by this is normally to correct video or Image links so they display correctly.


Q  My images didn't display

A: If your images didn't display please Contact (if we haven't already spotted the error and got the video to display within a few days)


Q: Can you include my Images of items For Sale in my post ?

A: Yes, you can ulpoad to an image hosting website or Contact for further help.


Q: What do I need to do when my item is SOLD ?

A: Please add a final post with the message SOLD
or edit your original post Subject: SOLD - Gin Nano 14m
(If Subject: hasn't been updated as above, Admin may later edit your original post)


Q: Will my SOLD - For Sale item post be deleted ?

A: No, unless you delete it yourself or Contact and request it to be deleted. We sometimes get requests for how much is my gear worth so the old For Sale Ads are useful for reference.


Please Contact Speed-Flying Staff if you require further help.

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