Speed-flying in Russia

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Speed-flying in Russia

Submitted by Jd on December 31, 2007 - 1:06pm.

Happy New Year!!!

This winter I began to be engaged s-f. At us in city Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk, that on island Sakhalin is a hill. A hill not so high - 520 meters above a valley. Is flat slopes for training and more abruptly for progress. Such reliefs as in the Alpes, certainly is not present but to study it is possible. As with me are engaged some more person. Wings at all 14 squares. For employment(occupations) to us the separate line is allocated. Worthy photos while are not present, but will be.

Happy New Year!!!

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Submitted by Jd on January 9, 2008 - 2:18am.

We have started to be engaged one month ago. I fly on green - 14 squares, Rikki on orange, too 14, both Gin. At me 50 hours on the Oasis Gin Gliders production, and any experience on skis. 5 years of experience on a snowboard. Rik skied a little and flied some times with a paraplane. Such affairs.



Enjoyed the video...

What was the Green and Blue glider - Gin Nano ? and what size ?


Submitted by Jd on January 8, 2008 - 9:48am.




Submitted by Jd on January 8, 2008 - 9:48am.

More video!!!
For my pity we don't have real mounths!!



Submitted by Jd on January 1, 2008 - 9:41am.

Ok, that video is about our first lessons. Now we are better a bit.



Sakhalinsk video

Submitted by kitesurfa on December 31, 2007 - 8:05pm.

Just found your YouTube video of the location - looks ideal location for learning.

look forward to seeing more photos and video...